Geitonas High School participated in the 2nd City Challenges round under the theme “Waste management for a circular economy”. The depletion of non-renewable resources and the increased food and textile waste motivated the PULCHRA science team to learn more about the above issues and propose solutions, as well as to enhance the school actions on waste management. Their project aimed to promote the use of renewable biological resources, achieve long term sustainable development, reduce carbon footprint and raise awareness.
Their hypothesis “it is possible to synthesize bioplastic from some natural substance” was confirmed! PULCHRA science team produced plastic from vegetables based on the idea of bioeconomy. Specifically they produced bioplastics from milk and potato.
Furthermore, PUCHRA science team investigated their school actions regarding sustainable use of resources and concluded that 90% of the used materials are recycled via composting and recycling. Video presentation of their school’s actions in the context of recycling and the circular economy can be found here.

Finally, an event was organized in Geitonas school with the participation of teachers, parents, students and stakeholders, in order to present the project results and the experimental production activities of bioplastics from milk and potato. The event was concluded with the PULCHRA certificates awarding. You can find photos here.